Monday, August 6, 2007

there are two kinds of people in life

There are two kinds of people in life . . .

There are those people who make lists; and then there are those who don't.
Think about it . . . palm pilots and post it notes are huge. You can go to the store and find 1,000 different kind of post it notes, all different shapes and sizes. Palm pilots are so "now" that phones come equipped as personal organizers.

The "to do" list is even a featured function on all palm pilots

I am one of "those" people who makes lists. I drive the personal organization consumer frenzy.

Honestly I would like to think that I can function in life without using a list. I have even tried to convince myself of this by intentionally "winging it", but I have proven that I can not be trusted with a listless day. It just a day that goes to waste. Part of my compulsion with making lists is about organization; another part is that I am forgetful. But I think the biggest reason I make lists is because it makes life easier. Or at least it seems that way to me.

For example if I decide today that tomorrow I am going to have a bowl of kix and a banana for breakfast, then that settles it. Or maybe it's a bigger choice; like who I am going to spend my time with, or what I am going to do all day. If I decide before hand, then there are no issues. If left on my own, with no list in hand, I would probably spend every day eating pizza, drinking mountain dew, and playing video games.

You see what I mean . . . I can't be trusted.

Sometimes making those choices are just too hard !
Life is full of choices, some insignificant; like what you might have for breakfast.

Others are vastly more complex; like what will I do with my life. Or how can I make a difference ?

Recently I have been wrestling with some of these major life decisions, and honestly I have been pretty frustrated at times wondering why God would make things so complicated, or allow for so many paths in my life. I simply want to know what he wants so I can do it.
But life and God are never that simple are they ?

I wish I had a list from God so I could make sure I was doing what I am supposed to.
So as I have been on this journey trying to figure out my big choice, I have been reading through Jeremiah. The book is a complex and beautiful depiction of man's sinfulness causing his own destruction, while God restores man back and even better than before. It's pretty sweet!

As I was reading I came across this : "See I am setting before you the way of life and the way of death" – I stopped in my tracks . . . God offering a clear path . . .

Wait . . .

Could it be that simple ?

Could all of my decisions, all of my choices be made simply when thinking about life and death ?
There is passage in the book of John which says – The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroys; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

Destruction & death or abundant life ?

One choice . . . could it really boil down to this ?

I think that maybe it just might.

What would happen if we started making our choices not based on our feelings, ulterior motives, hearsay, or interpretations ?

What if for a moment we forgot about logic and reason and simply asked . . . "does this option promote or give life to us and the people around us?" Or does this option take, steal or kill a piece of me or someone else ?

When you think about it our decisions really could be that simple.
In how we live life . . . do we give life or do we take it. Do we build up . . . or do we tear down.
Now THAT could make life a lot easier . . .

I wish God would have left me a personal list of things I'm supposed to do. He didn't; but if he did I'm sure the first thing at the top of the list would be

[ ] choose life

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