So keeping with my hanging out with my nephew & nieces theme: this weekend I saw meet the Robinsons.
Which by the way is a very good movie . . . if you have the opportunity to see it in 3D I suggest you do so . . . definitely a nice touch, and you walk away with some sweet glasses . . . anywho
So since I saw the movie, I have been thinking a lot about time travel. (this is a big theme in the movie)(don't worry not gonna ruin it for you kids).
I have really been wrestling lately with our humanity.
You know that thing that makes sure we are unable to do what our hearts really want, because somehow we manage to screw everything up in the end.
Yeah that humanity.
I'm just like everybody else. I have regrets. I have things that I wish I never would have done / said / thought / experienced / etc. But I believe that I am an authentic person, and when I realize how bad I screwed up I do everything I can to make things right. (the tougher part is when you don't know that you have messed up)
Considering my life situation at the moment, I wish I could go back in time, and make better choices, knowing what I know now. But I can't . . . (at least not until Cornelius Robinson invents the time machine).
So I look back in hindsight and think, I wouldn't change anything . . . because at in those moments I acted on good will, I did my best with what I had to work with, and at the end of the day . . . knowing that our humanity makes us "sucky" to say the least, I was authentically being me, trying to honor God with my life the best I know how.
I really do wish there was a time machine, so I could go back and fix all the hurt that I have caused people.
but somehow I trust that God is so much bigger, and better than all of the "sucky-ness" that I (and we) can come up with. He's bigger than it, and He will deal with it.
so I have been trying to reconcile how I move forward . . . how do I live life today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next?
I was reading in the book of Jeremiah today . . . here is what God said to me.
Jeremiah 6:16
Stand at the crossroads and look;ask for the ancient paths,ask where the good way is, and walk in it,and you will find rest for your souls.
ask where the good way is . . . and walk in it
there is no going back, no time travel, no way to change the past, trust God today, trust who He has been, who He is, and who you know He will be . . . let him guide you in the ancient paths
keep fighting for the heart of your king
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