Don’t be “that guy”
Now “that guy” can be defined differently based on the situation in question . . . but one thing is sure you really don’t want to be “that guy”
In college I knew the quintessential “that guy”. Let’s call him Jon. Pretty much in every situation imaginable Jon was “that guy”. He was “that guy” who would ruin the ending to a great movie. He was “that guy” who would make up obnoxious stories and claim they were true. He was “that guy” who would fall in love in a moment, and then practically stalk the girl he just met. Think up any social situation and He was “that guy”!
My favorite part (and I say that with sarcasm) about Jon’s “that guy” personality was when we would play sports. When it came to sports, Jon was “that guy” who always played by his own rules; but never the actual rules. He was “that guy” who would get irate when you claimed that he broke a simple rule of the game.
Playing sports with Jon was always interesting to say the least, because you never knew what rule he would make up, or what actual rule he would ignore entirely.
And at times his “that guy” personality would take over so you wouldn’t really know what game we were playing. For example we would be playing basketball . . . but with “that guy” it seemed more like football.
I don’t know if you have ever played sports with “that guy” . . . but seriously it is annoying.
I’m not a very patient person, and as soon as I could tell that “that guy” was turning our game of hoops into a tackle-fest . . . I knew it was better for me to walk away.
And I would always leave saying to myself, “Why did ‘that guy’ have to ruin everything, we were doing so well until he jumped in.”
I struggle a lot with Christians. They frustrate me.
I used to say I was a Christian, but now I avoid the term, because I think it brings too much negativity into a conversation with someone who isn’t a Christian.
I like to call myself a believer . . . or a follower of Christ.
Christians do really annoying things . . .
For example the other day I saw on a tail gate of a truck a magnet of the 10 commandments. I half expected there to be an 11th commandment for “thou shall not tailgate”. Seriously, what is the purpose of that? If you are putting that on your vehicle to remind you of what you believe, then put it someplace YOU are going to see it. But really the whole thing is about broadcasting what you believe is right, and essentially forcing onto the drivers behind you . . . I think if I weren’t a believer, I might hit you just for putting it on your tailgate.
A few months back I saw a sign on a church marquee that said “And you think it’s hot here”. I was just taken back . . . if I’m not a believer, I read that sign and I think you are trying to guilt me into coming to church because apparently hell is going to be more miserable then the heat wave we are having, so that should motivate me to become a Christian. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit, when I read that.
Or what about “those Christians” who go to places like rock concerts, abortion clinics, adult bookstores, gay clubs, and political rallies. They make signs and bring bull horns. It seems every word out of their mouths is about how they are right and everyone else is wrong. They scream about sin, evil, and wickedness.
If I were a non-believer . . . I wouldn’t listen either. I would ignore you too.
Do you see what I see?
Many times Christians are the quintessential “that guys” of society.
I really try to avoid everything “christianese” in the world because of the “that guy” label that gets placed on anything “Christian”
I will be honest, sometimes (especially if I know someone has a negative experience with Christians) I don’t want to tell them that I am a Christian. I am not ashamed of Christ. But I am totally ashamed of the image that people get when they hear Christian.
So I have really tried to focus on Jesus.
Because I think he is the key to understanding God, faith, life and how they all work together.
There is this story of a time where the Pharisees are trying to test Jesus. They ask him, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replies
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and will all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
When Jesus is basically asked “Teacher, can you pick out the most important thing God commands us to do in the Old Testament?” Jesus response is singular . . . but also two-fold.
His response is simply . . . love.
The two fold love is to love God . . . and others.
It is like Jesus links these together . . . as if they are inseparable.
As if one is not complete without the other! That is to say, you can not really love God with all your heart, soul and mind without loving others. And the reverse is also true; you can’t really love others without loving God, because God is love.
Talk about making your head hurt . . . Jesus’ response is so complex; it is probably more complex than the Old Testament
So this is what Jesus says is important . . . so this is what I should do if I am a follower of Christ.
I think we have a problem as Christians. I think just like “that guy” I knew in college we are playing by our own set of rules.
Somewhere in the past we decided what the rules were . . . we don’t smoke . . . we don’t drink . . . we don’t get divorced . . . we don’t have sex before we are married . . . we don’t _________ (fill in the blank)
Essentially what we have done is set up boundaries that are intended to help us “not sin”. And we have said if you are a Christian than you will naturally abide by these rules. This also has given us a clear picture of who is or who isn’t a Christian.
And while we have been doing this, we have (intentionally or unintentionally) created our own Christian sub-culture
We have our own little world within the world. We have Christian versions of everything we need. We have Christian books, music, t-shirts, bumper stickers, movies, stores, key chains, and food (Chic-fil-a). We have everything we ever need to keep ourselves entirely separate from the rest of society.
We have created our own little world in which we live and breathe and interact. We have made it so that we don’t have to venture out into the “pagan” or “secular” world.
While we think that creating this perfect little subculture has made life easier for us to be better Christians . . . in reality what our isolation has done is communicate to non-believers we don’t want them in our lives unless the look like us and act like us.
Now I’m not saying this is intentional . . . but it doesn’t matter if it is intentional or not.
It is what it is.
More than that . . . by isolating ourselves we have lost the message of what we are about . . . but we have made it very clear what we are against . . .
Think about it . . . do people know you are a Christian by what you do or by what you don’t do?
Do people know that you promote love, hope, and faith . . . or do they know you are against abortion, divorce, and homosexuality?
I think this might be the greatest tragedy of the generation before us . . . and I desperately long to create a new future . . . centered around the greatest commandment . . . love.
We need to stop being “that guy” creating our own rules.
(I’m not saying that the current rules are bad rules . . . they obviously are helpful in living a good life, otherwise God wouldn’t have given us this life advice)
But our rules are not bringing us together with people . . . so we need to change the rules in which we live life, before they get frustrated and walk away wishing “that guy” wouldn’t have ruined everything.
You see when it comes down to it, for us the only rule that matters is love.
That’s what Jesus said . . . love God & love others.
You see at the end of the day. We are not the referees of life. We aren’t supposed to blow the whistle and tell people where they have screwed up and broken the rules. Let God do that.
We are the players . . . and the only rule we need to focus on is love.
When we play by our own legalistic rules all we do is chain our standards and expectations onto the gospel and try to force them onto unbelievers. The reality of what we are doing . . . is we are hindering the gospel.
Let the Gospel run unhindered in the lives of the people who don’t know God, let’s not strap it down or stop it from doing its life changing work. Honestly someone is not going to change their life because you tell them they should . . . they will change because they have had a supernatural experience with the living God that has left them forever changed!
We need to let God do his part, while we do our part!
Our part is loving others . . . that means caring more about people's hearts than we do the home life.
That means realizing that Jesus IS the only way to God, but YOU and I aren’t the only way to Jesus.
When we play by the rule of love . . . everybody wins.
When we do our part . . . when we stop being “that guy” . . . and just love others
then . . .
Love wins.